Allison Transmission has several active communities online, including, but not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn. We encourage you to review them and get involved, and we appreciate open discussions surrounding your comments, stories
and experiences. Before you post, make sure you are aware of the following policies:
To protect Company information and the privacy of others, please do not include full names, phone numbers, email addresses, social security numbers, case numbers, or any other sensitive or personally identifiable information (PII) in comments or responses.
Global External Communications reserves the right to hide, delete or not allow comments that contain:
- Vulgar or abusive language;
- Personal or obscene attacks of any kind;
- Offensive terms targeting individuals or groups;
- Threats or defamatory statements;
- Suggestions or encouragement of illegal activity;
- Multiple successive off-topic posts by a single user or repetitive posts copied and pasted by multiple users, or spam;
- Unsolicited proposals or other business ideas or inquiries;
- Promotion or endorsement of commercial services, products, or entities;
- Personally identifiable information that has been inappropriately posted.
- Do not engage in any activity that would qualify as insider trading.
Visitor-generated comments (including username and any identifying information provided) on any ATI social media channels become publicly available, both at the time of posting and later, pursuant to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)/Privacy Act requests,
as applicable.
Allison Transmission reserves the right to turn off all commenting on its social media channels.