A bluish gray Asian refuse vehicle travels along a city highway.


폐기물 수거업체 등 청소차량은 일상적으로 열악한 상황에 직면합니다. 빡빡한 일정에서 대형 차량으로 복잡한 도로를 운행하는 데 따른 안전상의 위험에 이르기까지 청소차량은 매우 고된 작업이며 가다 서다를 반복하는 주행으로 인한 마모를 견딜 수 있는 내구성을 갖춘 장비를 필요로 합니다. 앨리슨 전자동 변속기가 항상 최상의 성능을 발휘할 수 있도록 설계•제작된 이유가 여기에 있습니다. 앨리슨 트랜스미션은 연비를 개선하고 작업을 단순화하며 안전성을 향상시킴으로써 폐기물 수거차의 발전을 도모하고 있습니다.


  • Power Take-Off (PTO)

  • Allison + Natural Gas

  • FuelSense® 2.0

  • Reliability

  • Outstanding Value

  • Optional Integral Retarder


Power Take-Off (PTO) White navigation arrow

  • Allison’s Power Take-Off (PTO) can be driven at engine speed. Our Transmission Control Module commands how and when the PTO engages and monitors operating conditions—minimizing potential damage and hazards, making operation easier for drivers.

Allison + Natural Gas White navigation arrow

  • Allison Automatics get the most out of medium- and heavy-duty vehicles equipped with natural gas engines—both compressed (CNG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG). This allows these vehicles to maximize performance while using the cleaner and quieter natural gas engine. Our torque converter’s superior control at low speed and multiplication of engine torque give natural gas engines superior launch, while our electronic controls and gearbox designs allow for full-power shifting.

FuelSense® 2.0 White navigation arrow

  • FuelSense® 2.0 provides impressive fuel savings for the demanding duty-cycles of refuse applications. This innovative technology solution uses a unique set of software and electronic controls to deliver quantifiable fuel savings of up to 6%, all while maintaining the traditional Allison advantages of quality, reliability, durability and productivity.

Reliability White navigation arrow

  • Refuse collection requires the ability to handle heavy loads and withstand heavy start-stop duty-cycles, every day. You can’t afford to lose any trucks or time. Allison’s torque converter reliably and smoothly multiplies engine torque, delivering more power to the wheels. By multiplying the engine power, drivers get increased performance, faster acceleration and greater operational flexibility.

Outstanding Value White navigation arrow

  • Allison’s high-quality, ultra-reliable automatic transmissions provide peace of mind—refuse fleet owners don’t have to worry about the increased repairs, downtime and maintenance of AMT vehicles. The most uptime means the industry’s best total cost of ownership.

Optional Integral Retarder White navigation arrow

  • Our fully automatic transmissions provide industry-leading ease of operation versus the stress and rougher ride of an AMT vehicle due to our optional integral retarder, which takes the load off the service brakes, reducing heat and fade.
A blue refuse truck with a rendered Allison eGen Power in the chassis.

eGen Power®

eGen Power®에는 최대 28,660파운드에 달하는 중형 및 대형 차량용 완전 통합형 전기 e-Axle이 포함되어 있습니다. 다단 기어박스 와 650kW에 달하는 최대 출력을 갖춘 GAWR.